好食物乃上乘良药 医院如何革新病患用餐体验 🍅🏥💪
更好餐点的处方 🍽️💊
“好食物就是良药,”加利福尼亚州 UC 戴维斯医疗中心的食品与营养服务执行总厨桑塔纳·迪亚兹说。迪亚兹和他的团队致力于为患者提供尽可能健康的选择,他们通过从当地农场采购实现了这一目标。🌾
农场到餐桌的成功故事 🌽🍅🥕
UC 戴维斯医疗中心(戴维斯,加利福尼亚州) 🌿🍎
在 UC 戴维斯,烹饪卓越与可持续采购相结合。每天,食品与营养服务团队为患者提供惊人的 1,530 餐以及另外 4,000 餐在零售场所。他们从当地农场采购农产品,确保患者获得最新鲜的食材。从沙拉中多汁的番茄到甜点中风味独特的桃子,UC 戴维斯医疗中心正在证明医院食物可以既健康又美味。🥗🍑
约翰·缪尔医疗中心(康科德和核桃溪,加利福尼亚州) 🥩🥗
约翰·缪尔医疗中心与 Bay Cities Produce Co. 紧密合作,将他们的 60% 农产品采购自加利福尼亚州,其中 50% 来自 150 英里半径范围内的当地农场。通过与一个确保食品安全和质量标准的经销商合作,他们可以为患者提供炒蔬菜和汤中的新鲜胡萝卜。此外,他们还提供一款令人垂涎的牛排沙拉,成为众人的最爱。🥩🥗
Lankenau 医疗中心的 Deaver 健康农场(温伍德,宾夕法尼亚州) 🍅🚜
坐落在急诊室对面,Lankenau 医疗中心的 Deaver 健康农场是一个占地 2 英亩的令人印象深刻的农场,位于一个以前是高尔夫球场的地方。通过种植各种水果、蔬菜和草药,他们不仅能够为患者提供新鲜有营养的餐点,还向学校的孩子们传授健康饮食的重要性。此外,无法获得新鲜农产品的患者会直接收到水果和蔬菜的送货服务。🏥🥕
Eskenazi Health 的天空农场教育中心(印第安纳波利斯,印第安纳州) ☁️🏥
Eskenazi Health 正在引领患者通过营养教育掌控健康。天空农场收获的所有农产品都用于免费的食品与营养课程。患有糖尿病和心脏病等慢性疾病的患者学会如何通过新鲜、当地种植的食材管理甚至逆转他们的疾病。从“生活方式医学”课程到“新鲜蔬菜星期五”,Eskenazi Health 正在证明食物真的是最好的良药。🌿🍎
波士顿医疗中心屋顶农场(马萨诸塞州波士顿市) 🌱🌇
想象走出波士顿医疗中心的屋顶,看到冬瓜、辣椒、番茄和草药在你眼前生长。这个创新的屋顶农场每年生产超过 5,000 磅的食物,用于医院餐厅、患者餐点,甚至支持服务不发达社区的预防性食品储藏室。波士顿医疗中心不仅确保患者获得有营养的餐点,而且通过每次收获来打击食品不安全问题。🌱🌇
Stony Brook University Hospital (Stony Brook, NY) 🍓🌱
At Stony Brook University Hospital, the future of farm-to-table dining is taking root on their third-floor deck. With over 2,000 square feet of gardening space, they harvest fresh fruits and vegetables that are incorporated into patient meals. To let patients know that their meals have a local connection, a tent card is placed on their tray. It’s a small touch that makes a big difference in enhancing their dining experience. 🥗🏥
St. Luke’s University Health Network (Various Cities, PA) 🥦🥕
In partnership with the renowned Rodale Institute, St. Luke’s University Health Network operates their own 8-acre St. Luke’s-Rodale Institute Organic Farm. This farm supplies all 12 hospitals in their network with a staggering 100 varieties of chemical-free and certified organic produce. From nutritious salad greens to vibrant peppers and beets, St. Luke’s is committed to providing patients, visitors, and even staff members with the highest quality produce. 🌿🚜
Your Questions Answered! 🤔❓
Q: How does sourcing from local farms benefit patients? A: Sourcing from local farms means fresher and more nutritious ingredients for patients, improving the overall quality of their meals. It also supports the local economy and helps create a sustainable food system.
Q: What about food safety? A: Hospitals prioritize food safety by partnering with distributors who ensure compliance with federal food safety standards. This ensures that patients receive the highest quality and safest produce.
Q: Are these initiatives cost-effective? A: While there may be initial investments in establishing partnerships and infrastructure, the long-term benefits outweigh the costs. By reducing the reliance on processed and packaged foods, hospitals can improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs in the long run.
Q: Do hospitals still serve traditional cafeteria food? A: While there may still be traditional cafeteria options available, hospitals are increasingly expanding their healthier and locally sourced menu offerings. The goal is to provide patients with nutritious meals that aid in their recovery and overall well-being.
Join the Farm-to-Table Revolution! 🥕🌽👩🌾
These hospitals are leading the charge in revolutionizing the patient dining experience. By sourcing locally, they’re not only improving the quality of the food on their patients’ plates but also supporting local farmers and fostering a stronger connection between food and health. So let’s raise a fork to these hospitals and their farm partners for making hospital food a force to be reckoned with. 🍽️🌱
Remember, good food is good medicine! If you found this article enlightening, share it with your friends and spread the word about the farm-to-table revolution in healthcare! Let’s inspire others to demand better dining experiences in hospitals! Together, we can make a difference! ✨🍅💪
- How UC Davis Health turns a small Southern California farm into 1 ton of produce a day – Healthcare Dive
- Farm-To-Hospital Programs On The Rise – University of Wisconsin-Madison
- How One Hospital Turns Farm-Fresh Food Into Healthier Eating – American Hospital Association
- Farm Fresh: Hospitals Have Started Growing Their Own Food – U.S. News & World Report