爱的表达方式的力量 持久关系的秘诀




The Watsons on their wedding day in 1997. 1997年的沃森夫妇结婚当天。


您可能已经听说过Gary Chapman的畅销书《5种爱的语言》。它已成为寻求改善关系的夫妇的基石。我丈夫和我11年前决定测试查普曼的方法,我为3Health撰写了关于我们的经历文章。当我们最近庆祝我们的25周年结婚纪念日时,我们决定回顾爱的语言,看看这些年过后它们是否仍然有效。


Gary Chapman,一位婚姻和家庭治疗师,在他的咨询中观察到夫妇有五种常见的需求类别。这些需求,或“爱的语言”,包括:

  1. 肯定的言辞:赞美和鼓励的话语。
  2. 高质量的时间:给予彼此专心的注意。
  3. 送礼物:象征爱意,如鲜花或巧克力。
  4. 行动服务:为您的伴侣做小事或帮忙。
  5. 身体接触:通过接触表达爱意,例如牵手或亲吻。














Chapman himself acknowledges that the love languages won’t solve all of a couple’s problems. However, they do address a fundamental emotional need: the need for love. By meeting this need, couples are better equipped to navigate other issues within their marriage.

So, if you and your partner are curious about exploring your love languages, approach it as a way to reconnect and strengthen your bond. Understand that it’s not a quick fix but rather a tool that enhances your relationship’s emotional aspects. Building a lasting and fulfilling partnership requires a solid foundation and ongoing effort.

Q&A: Addressing More Love Language Questions

Q: Can someone have more than one primary love language?

A: Absolutely! While it’s common for individuals to have one primary love language, it’s not uncommon to have more than one that ranks high. People may have varying degrees of affinity for different love languages depending on their circumstances and personal preferences.

Q: Can love languages change over time?

A: Yes, love languages can change over time. As we go through different seasons in life, our needs and preferences might evolve. Retaking the Love Language Quiz every few years can help identify any shifts and enable couples to adapt to each other’s changing emotional needs.

Q: What if my partner and I have different love languages?

A: Having different love languages doesn’t have to be a roadblock in your relationship. In fact, it can be an opportunity for growth and understanding. By learning each other’s love languages, you can intentionally express love in ways that resonate with your partner. Communication and compromise are key!

For further information on the topic of love languages and relationship dynamics, check out the following resources:

  1. Take the Love Language Quiz
  2. Dr. Gary Chapman’s Official Website
  3. The Love Languages on Oprah.com
  4. Enhancing and Improving Relationships: The 5 Love Languages

Remember, a fulfilling and lasting relationship requires effort, understanding, and a commitment to nurturing emotional bonds. Celebrate your love languages while continuously exploring new ways to deepen your connection. Share your experiences and let the love flourish! 💕

The Watsons, now married for 25 years. / Photo by Chandra Kendall.
